GMAT : Akshay 720 | Uttkarsh 700 | GRE : Sanjay 325 : Sneha 320 | IELTS : Fedrick 8 | Kanishk 7 | Prathyusha 7.5 | Vignesh K 7| Prem K 8 | Mathimalar 7.5 | TOEFL : Rajesh 115 | Mytri 110

Our strengths

15-year training experience Company-developed courses 3 Phase-pedagogy* Continuous follow-up and support
*inspired by Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning objectives; delivered in 3 progressive phases: concept phase, application phase and higher order skills.



Concept Growth Labs

Concept- rich module covering all areas of testing

With this course
  • Apply principles and solve questions
  • Evaluate cases or arguments
  • Strategize for a solution
  • Create logical arguments
  • Check data efficacy and more…
Concept growth labs for GRE GMAT TOEFL IELTS

Take these tests, to sharpen your

 reasoning skills

 Test your Critical reasoning

 Test your Math

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About semantics

semantics is a test preparation company. Our main focus is  classroom coaching, live-online courses for  GMAT,GRE, IELTS & TOEFL.
All course programs are researched and developed in-house.
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