Learning the meaning of root words, prefixes, and suffixes. They can sometimes help you deduce the definition of an unfamiliar GRE word.
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Now let us learn 50 prefix
Note the format: Prefix (meaning) examples
- a-, an- (without, not) anesthetic, atheist
- ab- (away, from) abject, abscess
- ad-, a-, ac-, as- (to, toward) access, admit, assist
- ante (before) antecedent, anterior
- anti- (against) antibiotics, antioxidant
- auto- (self) autoimmune, autonomous
- ben- (good) benefit, benign
- bi- (two, both) bifocals, bipolar
- cap- (head) captain, capital
- circum– (around ) circumference, circumscribe
- co-, com-, con- (with, together) companion, concurrent
- contra-, counter- (against) contradict, counteract
- de- (down, undo, not) degenerate, depress
- di-, dis- (lack of, not, apart) disadvantage, displacement
- eu- (good, normal) eugenics, eulogy
- ex- (or e-) (out (of)), former expose, extract
- exo-, ecto-, extra-, extro- (outside ) exoskeleton, extraordinary
- fore- (before) foresee, foreshadow
- hemi- (half) hemisphere
- hyper (above, excessive) hyperactive, hypertension
- hypo- (under, insufficient) hypodermic, hypothetical
- il-, im-, in-, ir- in, (into, not, against) illegitimate, inadequate
- inter- (among. between) interpose, intervene
- intra- (within) intramural, intravenous
- macro- (large) macrobiotic, macrocosm
- mal- (bad) malfunction, malignant
- micro- (small) microbe, microscope
- mis- (wrong) misfortune, mistake
- mono- (one) monolingual, monopoly
- multi- (many) multiple, multitask
- non- (not, lacking) nonfat, nonsense
- ob-,o-, oc-, op- (against, over, completely) object, occur, omit, oppose
- omni- (all) omnipotent, omnivorous
- over- (too much, general) overall, overdone, overview
- peri- (around )peripheral, periscope
- poly- (many) polygamous, polygon
- post- (after) postgraduate, postpone
- pre- (before) precede, predict, prevent
- pro- (forward) progress, promotion
- quad- (four) quadriplegic, quadrangle
- re- (again, back) reform, retain, regenerate
- semi- (half, partially) semiannual, semiconscious
- sub-, sup-, sus- (under) submarine, subtropical
- super-, supra- (above, excessive) superlative, suprarenal
- sym-, syn- (with, together) sympathy, synthetic
- trans- (across, beyond) Transform, transportation
- tri- (three) tricycle, triple
- ultra- (beyond. excessive) ultraliberal, ultrasonic
- un- (not) undeserved, unhappy
- uni- (one) uniform, unilateral