10 points - GMAT pacing strategy
You might have to modify this strategy as per your strengths and weakness…
1. If you are not able to get an answer in 30 seconds. Then guess and move on. If you cant get an answer in 30 seconds, mostly you wont get in 1 or 2 minutes.
2. Attempt a sentence correction question in 60 to 90 seconds
3. Attempt a critical reasoning question in 90 seconds to 3 minutes.
4. Attempt a 3 question Reading comprehension passage in 6 minutes. ( reading + answering the questions)
5. Attempt a 4 question Reading comprehension passage in 8 minutes. (reading + answering the questions)
6. Attempt a problem solving question in 30 seconds to 2 minutes
7. Attempt a data sufficiency question in 30 seconds to 3 minutes
8. For the math section, you should reach the
- 11th question with 40 minutes left on the timer
- 21st question with 20 minutes left on the timer
- 31st question with 2 minutes left on the timer
Total questions- 31 questions ..Total time- 62 minutes
9. For the verbal section, you should reach the
- 11th question with 45 minutes left on the timer
- 21st question with 27 minutes left on the timer
- 31st question with 10 minutes left on the timer
Total questions- 36 questions Total time- 65 minutes
10. Complete all the questions in the allotted time. Unattended questions carry a huge penalty.
The first 10 questions are more important than the last 10 questions.. So ensure that the first 10 are right.
If I go through a trial gmat test tomorrow, I’ll get an idea myself
I think this will be useful for me and thanks for sharing