
Math word problems 1

Math word problems

Duration – 10 mins

Level – Easy

Math word problems GMAT GRE
    1. Ashley and four friends went trick-or-treating. Each of them got 4/5 of a bag of treats. How many bags of treats did they get in total?

    2. Ken drinks 2/7 of a carton of milk each day. How much milk does he drink in 3 days?

    3. There are 8 water bottles, and each bottle is 3/ 4 filled with water. If we pour all the water together, how many water bottles can be filled up?

    4. At a birthday party, there are 15 children. Each child will eat 3/16 of a pizza. How many pizzas should the host order?

    5. If each dozen cookies needs 3/4 of a bag of flour to make, how many bags of flour does grandma needs to buy if she is making 10 dozen cookies?

Concept tested:Fractions.

When you read the word problem, you will observe that the word “each” stands for 1 unit . 

So if 1 bottle costs $10. then 25 bottles will cost the price of 1 bottle x 25. i.e. $10 x 25 = $250.


  1. 5 friends .  5 x (4/5) = 4 bags
  2. 3x(2/7) = 6/7 of the carton of milk
  3. 8x(3/4) = 6 bottles
  4. 15 x (3/16) = 45/16 pizza

1 dozen cookies – 3/4 of  bag

10 dozen cookies –  x bags

x = 10 x 3/4 = 30/4 bags

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