
Grammar exercise 2

GMAT sentence correction

Grammar test : Conjunctions and Prepositions

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. The officer is _____ duty.
2. The police resorted—- indiscriminate firing.
3. I am not acquainted _______her.
4. I warned him ______the danger.
5. He is famous _____ his novels.
6. She laughed ________me mockingly.
7. The prisoner was found guilty ______ murder.
8. He parted ________his children with tears.
9. The king rules _______a vast country.
10. I told him to talk _________ something else.
11. I relied ______the information you gave me.
12. We rejoiced ______ his success.
13. Laura is content ________ what she has.
14. I am obliged _________you _____your kindness.
15. The chairman is averse ________the idea of relocating.

1. on 2. To 3. With 4. Of 5. For 6. at 7. Of 8. From 9. Over
10. about 11. On/ upon 12. At 13. with 14. To . for 15. to

Prepositions are short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs).

70 prepositions,which are tested often:

  1. aboard
  2. about
  3. above
  4. across
  5. after
  6. against
  7. along
  8.  amid
  9. among
  10. anti
  11. around
  12. as
  13. at
  14. before
  15. behind
  16. below
  17. beneath
  18. beside
  19. besides
  20. between
  21. beyond
  22. but
  23. by
  24. concerning
  25. considering
  26. despite
  27. down
  28. during
  29. except
  30. excepting
  31. excluding
  32. following
  33. for
  34. from
  35. in
  36. inside
  37. into
  38. like
  39. minus
  40. near
  41. of
  42. off
  43. on
  44. onto
  45. opposite
  46. outside
  47. over
  48. past
  49. per
  50. plus
  51. regarding
  52. round
  53. save
  54. since
  55. than
  56. through
  57. to
  58. toward
  59. towards
  60. under
  61. underneath
  62. unlike
  63. until
  64. up
  65. upon
  66. versus
  67. via
  68. with
  69. within
  70. without

Conjunctions are joining words. Conjunctions bring words and phrases together. 

Conjunctions List 1

for / and / nor / but / or / yet / so

Some insights

  • or – introduces change 
  • so – can also indicate a result or consequence will be forthcoming.
  • and – when you wish to link two things together. 
  • But – introduces contrast into a sentence.
  • Nor – brings forth an alternative negative idea. 
  • yet – introduces a contrasting thought. 

Conjunctions List 2

These conjunctions occurs in pairs.

  • both/and
  • whether/or
  • not only/but also
  • either/or
  • neither/nor
  • just/so
  • the/the
  • as/as
  • if/then
  • rather/than
  • no sooner/than
  • such/that
  • so/that

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
1. Wait here till I return.
2. I like him since he is honest.
3. I do it _______I choose to.
4. The wallet has been lost _____ stolen.
5. I will not come ____ it rains.
6. He failed in the first attempt, _______he tried again.
7. We will take up the project ______ the time is ripe.
8. I will not go ________ I am invited.
9. He must have passed this way…… is no other road.
10. We will come _____________it rains _________ not.
11. His plans ________vast, were never visionary.
12. It is a long time ______we last saw him.
13. She finished first _______ she began late.

Answer key:

1. till
2. since
3. because
4. or
7. When
8. Unless
9. Since
10. Whether…or
11. Though
12. Since
13. though


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